Tuesday 3 June 2014

IBM At the Verge of Having a Landslide: What Do We Learn?

Jaro Education

In 2012 Sam Palmisano was replaced by Ginni Rometty, yes these are the names of two CEOs of IBM who has set examples of the success and the decline story. The history has recorded the success marked by Palmisano, under whose leadership IBM was topping the list of dynamic organizations. In his leadership IBM had received best investors’ interests. Since 2012 Ginni has occupied the throne of IBM but the company is said to be dooming in her reign. In fact her roadmap for 2015 if adhered, then the woes are going to get worsened.

What exactly happened?

There are three things which have resulted in the downfall of this corporate giant. Firstly, the current CEO has not formulated a practically executable strategy. Secondly, IBM investors were not pitched properly. Thirdly, the CEO has invested huge amount in R&D which is now reflecting in the downfall of IBM. On the other hand Palmisano has proved to be a great asset, he created successful pathway for business. His strategies were best and during his reign he had pitched the investors and had doubled the earnings of IBM.

What do they teach us?

Having an insight is one thing, but developing the understanding of how much time and capital to invest in what is something mandatory.

It is clear that lack of having proper management skills can drown organizations like IBM, Kingfisher and many others that have become the great examples of management failure. It is very important to develop proper management skills to run a successful business. Strategic planning and analytical skills are must in even starting up a business. 

How to save yourself from a business disaster?

Everyone cannot be sharp like Sam Palmisano who can give a rocket success to its company. You need to have sufficient management skills and moreover enhance your management skills. You will be able to learn every aspect of management only through a proper management degree. And this is the only reason why there is a substantially increasing demand of management graduates. 

Learn management with Jaro Education online MBA programs

Jaro Education is one dynamic institution providing online MBA programs tailored for success for working professionals and students. Jaro Education brings these management programs from the prestigious national and international universities. These universities have been ranked as best. Student after enrolling in the program gathers the analytical skills, proper strategic planning and other management skills from the international perspective. This gives you the understanding of international business world and the confidence to perform on the global front. The program is delivered by the best national and international faculty providing unique insights of the corporate world. The program material and online recorded lectures are accessible around the clock.

Jaro Education programs are tailored in such a manner that it persuades you to set a positive example in the corporate world.

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