Saturday 31 May 2014

Err! Communication Error!

Online MBA
If you have been indulged in two three jobs then you must have a pretty great idea, that every boss is different. Different with his demands, working style and even at times the way you communicate varies to different levels. A mid-managerial level person finds it hard to tackle with such tricky issues, at times these freaky behaviors costs us a job. 

Bob, a mid-level manager had to prepare a presentation. He prepared it in a perfect professional tone which was by the correct from every angle, but his VP wanted it in a more from personal perspective. As a result the VP ended up discussing how dry did he find the content and the lack of personal warmth.

Brad, being an enthusiast was always willing to give some extra support and advice to his boss. In a meeting for a research he started questioning the team of executives who had worked on it. Ultimately his boss rolled his eyes and finally interrupts Brad, the meeting was over. It was very evident that his boss didn’t like Brad’s code of conduct.

In the above given situations both Brad and Bob were not wrong but they surely didn’t know how to deal with their bosses. To develop that understanding an individual needs to be equipped with the skills to communicate. It is also very important to develop the sense that activates the indicator of your boss’ mood. 

Where is the solution?

We have always observed that the AVPs and VPs are excellent and polished communicators. Well, they were all once at your level and have outshined to climb up with their smart communication. This practical experience and difference can only be learned through a management degree. If you enroll in any management program you will be taught the theories and given the insights of management. How to communicate effectively helps a great deal in tackling such difficult situations.

Online management programs for professionals

This is more important for working professionals because nothing is worse than losing a job at the cost of poor communication and managerial skills. For working professionals it is impossible to rewind and go back to a b-school. Online MBA programs are fulfilling the purpose for such professionals. More than 70% working professionals prefer going for an online management program because it comes with the time flexibility, minimal capital investment and the ethereal learning is as per the industry standards.

Jaro Education- best in online educational industry

Jaro Education offers the best online management programs from the world class national and international universities. Jaro Education understands the needs of a working professional and so provides every convenience at a hand’s click and at the door-steps such as the complete study material and online recorded lectures that are accessible around the clock. The lectures are delivered by the most proficient industry experts providing valuable insights on industry. The student gets the opportunity to schedule his own exam timetable as per his time and date availability.  That too with the option of appearing at the nearest exam centre.

Give a direction to you your own career; create your success story as it is said 

“While writing the story of your life don’t let anyone else hold the pen”
Why to let such menial errors leave great impacts on your career; enhance your communication and managerial skills and join the best management programs from India’s best institute today.

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